
109 lines
3.1 KiB

}: let
packages = pkgs.callPackage ./packages.nix {};
in {
home.packages = packages.all;
home.sessionVariables = {
"PATH" = "$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH";
"EDITOR" = "vim";
"WORDCHARS" = "\${WORDCHARS//[\\/.=]/}"; # ctrl-w on paths without make angery
# For some reason this doesn't play nice when using home manager config from inside
# a nixos configuration.
nix = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.nix;
settings.experimental-features = "nix-command flakes";
settings.max-jobs = "auto"; # Gotta go fast (build derivations in parallel)
programs = {
home-manager.enable = true;
# Shell and env-y stuff
zsh = {
enable = true;
autocd = true;
history = rec {
extended = true;
size = 100000;
save = size;
ignoreDups = true;
shellAliases = {
g = "git";
cat = "bat";
ip = "ip --color=auto";
hmswitch = ''home-manager switch --flake ".#$(hostname -s)"'';
nrswitch = "nixos-rebuild --use-remote-sudo switch --flake '.#'";
da = "direnv allow .";
dr = "direnv reload";
# Extra .zshrc stuff
initExtra = ''
# zstyle ':completion:*' menu select # fancy interactive autocomplete
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Za-z}' # tabcomplete lower to upper case
# git already sorts output non-alphabetically, which we want to preserve
zstyle ':completion:*:git-checkout:*' sort false
# Don't honk at me constantly
unsetopt beep
enableSyntaxHighlighting = true;
plugins = [
name = "fzf-tab";
src = "${pkgs.zsh-fzf-tab}/share/fzf-tab";
name = "zsh-z";
src = "${pkgs.zsh-z}/share/zsh-z";
exa = {
enable = true;
enableAliases = true;
starship = {
enable = true;
settings = {
add_newline = false;
format = "$username$hostname$shlvl$directory$git_branch$git_commit$git_state$git_metrics$git_status$hg_branch$docker_context$golang$kotlin$nodejs$python$rust$terraform$nix_shell$memory_usage$aws$gcloud$openstack$azure$env_var$crystal$custom$sudo$cmd_duration$line_break$jobs$status$shell$character";
username.format = "[$user]($style) ";
hostname.format = "[$hostname]($style) ";
directory = {truncation_length = -1;};
git_branch.format = "[$symbol$branch]($style) ";
python.format = "[py \${pyenv_prefix}(\${version} )(\\($virtualenv\\) )]($style)";
nodejs.format = "[js ($version )]($style)";
nix_shell.format = "[nix $state( \\($name\\))]($style) ";
direnv = {
enable = true;
nix-direnv.enable = true;
fzf = {
enable = true;
defaultCommand = "${pkgs.ripgrep}/bin/rg --files";
ssh = {
enable = true;
includes = ["~/.ssh/config.local"];
serverAliveInterval = 30;
serverAliveCountMax = 10;
matchBlocks."*".user = "samw";