Add home manager standalone config for macos

Refactor pkgs into groups, reuse in both home manager and system configs
Port across some more dotfiles stuff into home.nix
This commit is contained in:
Sam W 2022-01-09 15:33:09 +00:00
parent 472be721da
commit 1f0f6e7973
1 changed files with 33 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -1,27 +1,52 @@
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
home.stateVersion = "21.11";
let mypkgs = (import ./modules/pkgs.nix { inherit pkgs; });
in {
home.packages = mypkgs.all;
programs = {
home-manager.enable = true;
git = {
enable = true;
userName = "Sam Willcocks";
userEmail = "";
delta = { # Better diffs
enable = true;
options = { line-numbers = true; };
aliases = {
st = "status";
co = "checkout";
d = "diff";
cim = "commit -m";
a = "add";
ap = "add -p";
c = "commit";
can = "commit --amend --no-edit";
cm = "commit -m";
co = "checkout";
d = "diff";
dc = "diff --cached";
r = "rebase --autostash";
ri = "rebase --autostash --interactive";
st = "status";
gone = ''
! "git fetch -p && git for-each-ref --format '%(refname:short) %(upstream:track)' | a
wk '$2 == \"[gone]\" {print $1}' | xargs -r git branch -D"'';
extraConfig = {
branch.sort = "-committerdate";
log.showSignature = true;
push.default = "current";
include.path = "~/.gitconfig.local";
fzf.enable = true;
zsh = {
enable = true;
shellAliases = { g = "git"; };
shellAliases = {
g = "git";
cat = "bat";
hmswitch = ''home-manager switch --flake ".#$(hostname -s)"'';
prezto = {
enable = true;
prompt.theme = "giddie";