
68 lines
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/** Solution for Advent of Code 2022 day 3.
use aoc2022::StdError;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
// Map a character (indicating an "item") to its "priority".
fn char_to_prio(c: char) -> u32 {
// Fortunately we can cast all chars to u32, which makes this a matter of some simple
// arithmetic.
match c {
'a'..='z' => c as u32 - 'a' as u32 + 1,
'A'..='Z' => c as u32 - 'A' as u32 + 27,
_ => panic!("Got non-ascii alphabetic char!"),
fn main() -> StdError<()> {
// Open the input file and split all the lines.
let lines: Vec<_> = BufReader::new(File::open("input/day3.txt")?)
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()?; // "Short circuit" any Errors in the iterator
let part1: u32 = lines
.map(|l| {
assert!(l.len() % 2 == 0); // We won't be able to evenly split a odd-length line!
let (one, two) = (&l[0..l.len() / 2], &l[l.len() / 2..]);
// Make sets out of the characters in each compartment...
// ... then calculate the intersection, giving us the "items" (chars) in common
.map(|c| char_to_prio(*c))
.sum::<u32>() // Sum the priorities of items in common in each "rucksack"
.sum(); // Sum all the rucksacks' priorities
println!("Part 1: {}", part1);
let part2: u32 = lines
// First, map our lines to hashsets of their chars
.map(|l| HashSet::from_iter(l.chars()))
// Then split them into chunks of 3
.map(|c: &[HashSet<_>]| {
// And reduce each chunk of 3 into a single intersection of chars...
let common: Vec<char> = c
.reduce(|acc, s| acc.intersection(&s).cloned().collect())
// ... which should only be one!
assert!(common.len() == 1);
println!("Part 2: {}", part2);