# Debanator Easily make a debian apt repo from a bunch of `.deb` files. - You have some deb files - You want to be able to `apt-get install` them on systems - You want this to happen automatically (perhaps the debs are on a webdav share, or in github releases) ## Status Proof of concept. Neither fast, efficient, secure, neat, or featureful. Don't use in production unless you are really sure you know what you're doing and even then prepare to have your laundry eaten. ## Contributing Contributions welcome! You may find the Github mirror at https://github.com/swlcx/debanator easier if you're not already there. ## Usage `debanator -debpath ./path/to/your/debs -httppass hunter2` For more, see `-help`. Then, on the system you want packages on: - `echo "deb http://debanator:hunter2@:1612/ stable main` - `curl http://debanator:hunter2@:1612/pubkey.gpg | apt-key add -` - `apt update` - `apt install your-package` ## Tailscale Debanator supports listening inside a [Tailscale] tailnet as a ["Virtual Private Service"][vps]. To enable this mode, generate an auth key in the Tailscale admin panel and pass it as the `TS_AUTHKEY` env var. You can change the hostname debanator uses with `-tailscalehostname`. Note that debanator still respects `-listenaddr`, which given you're inside a tailnet now you probably just want to set to `:80`. ## Discussion - Yes, you could just use dpkg-scanpackages, but you'd have to write some script which did that, plus gpg and also fetched your packages from wherever they are. [tailscale]: https://tailscale.com [vps]: https://tailscale.com/blog/tsnet-virtual-private-services/