Hacks 'R' Us Logo



Dumb stuff with technology


Preferably, a hacker camp or con (probably under a DOME)

Failing that, the Internet


We were here:

We might go here:


  1. No one shall dissuade or stop anyone from making anything, especially if it's a bad idea.
  2. "Fuck it, we'll do it live" is always acceptable.
  3. Maybe policy should go on the website.
  4. > For policy proposals in chat.
    1. Un defined, (but positive) number of ✅ are needed for policy approvals.
    2. Ticks must outweigh ❌ votes
  5. No hacker shall intentionally set another hacker on fire, or through inaction allow another hacker to be set on fire.
  6. For the avoidance of doubt, explosions are a type of fire.
  7. Disputes between members will be settled non-violently through a game of Guess Who?
  8. Policy items in <blink> tags are only in effect whilst visible.
  9. Policy is not serious, see Code of Conduct for serious things.
  10. If it can be run non-combustably at full brightness, it shall be run non-combustably at full brightness.